Have you ever pondered about why your furry catling pal wants to lavish you with those wet, sandpaper-like pecks? Do not be afraid, for there are Nun-tangibly good reasons behind this behavior!
Here are 4 reasons why cats lick you:
1. Bonding
Cats lick you when they want to express their affection and there is a strong connection between you two. It's their equivalent of a hug or a kiss, therefore, you should be glad to be on the receiving end of so much kitty love! Same as when your cat sleeps on your pillow, you are their favorite human!
2. Sharing scent
Cats have scent glands on their tongues, hence, when they lick you, they are just placing you in their territory. It is their way of coming to you and saying, "You are mine, human!" Love the smell of kitty ownership!
3. It feels good
Sure, you may think it is, but licking is actually a self-soothing and comforting behavior for cats. It is the body's way of releasing endorphins which ultimately make them relaxed and happy. Thus, if your cat is hitting you with its tongue, they're simply telling you, "You make me feel good, human!"
4. They're either anxious or stressed.
In certain situations, licking could be a manner to show that your cat is feeling anxious or stressed. It is their means of self-reassurance and the source of comfort from you. If your cat has been licking more than usual, it is probably time to lavish it with more tender care and attention. One way to make your cat feel safer is creating a soft and comfortable place for them with a cat pillow or a cat home.
1. Why is it okay for my cat to lick my hands or face?
Absolutely! Cats usually clean their owners' hands or faces as a gesture of affection. The paragraph explains that this is their method of molding you and showing that they are concerned about you. Only, be sure to reciprocate the generosity by scratching his chin and rubbing his head!
2. The meaning of when my cat licks me more often than usual is what I will be able to find out.